Crabgrass is a burden for many homeowners. It’s important that you learn how to prevent it when necessary. If you have any present, you must learn to control it.

This guide is your tool for crabgrass prevention and control. You can do this yourself or leave it to the professionals if the problem is too much. Crabgrass may be growing in your yard right now and you may not be aware of it.

By the time you finish reading this, you can decide which course of action is best for you. A small amount of crabgrass is manageable (unless it gets to be too much). Let’s dive right into this quick guide right now.

What to know about crabgrass?

Crabgrass is a weed that is grown on an annual basis. You will usually find it in areas where the soil is sandy and the climate has plenty of sun. Crabgrass will be grown in areas such as your driveways and sidewalks.

Likewise, any areas of your yard where insects may have inflicted damage will be susceptible to such growth. Crabgrass is identified for having leaves that are pointed and wide. They can be grown from a shared stem.

They are light green in appearance and will have nodes that are swollen and shaped like zig-zags. If the soil temperature is about 55 degrees, it will be a prime germination environment for them. If you are using a broadleaf weed control product, it won’t be effective against crabgrass.

How to prevent and control crabgrass

Here are some ideas to consider when preventing and controlling crabgrass:

Keep your lawn mowed and fertilized

This will be your best defense against crabgrass growth. As long as it’s mowed and fertilized on a regular basis, you will less likely encounter it.

Use a pre-emergent

The best time to apply a pre-emergent will be during the fall or early spring. You’ll want to do it before the seeds are able to germinate. It will create a barrier that will prevent crabgrass growth.

Keep in mind that raking and digging may break this barrier. So be careful when you are tending to your yard.

The good news is that many pre-emergents will be effective. However, some of them may be harmful to your health or the environment. It’s important to find one that may be eco friendly while not posing a threat to you.

Final Thoughts

If crabgrass is an issue, you can prevent it from growing. Likewise, you can also control a small amount if possible. If it gets to be too much, that’s when you need to call in the professionals.

Streamline Design is your crabgrass control experts in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that will be perfect for getting the job done. The less crabgrass you have in your yard, the better. Plus, you’ll have a much healthier looking lawn than ever before.

Don’t take any chances. Call the experts that will handle all your crabgrass elimination needs. Call today at 817-873-1999 for more information. 

Texas is no stranger to droughts and dry lawns, and even in the wettest years, there are times when your lawn may dry out to the point of dehydration, which can end up damaging or even killing your lawn. It can happen from the daily heat, or it can happen as a result of even slight inattentiveness to the lawn’s needs.

Being able to tell when your lawn needs water and when it might be beneficial to make your grass tough it out is crucial for having a healthy lawn, year-round. Just watering periodically won’t be enough, here is everything you need to know about recognizing dehydration in your lawn, and what to do about it.

How To Tell If Your Lawn Is Dehydrated

You don’t have to be a botanist to tell if your lawn is a little dry. Some common indicators of a lawn that’s becoming dehydrated include:

  1. The footprint test. Step on a patch of your grass and see if the blades spring back up after a short while. If the footprint persists, your lawn is drying.
  2. Soil becoming crisp or shrinking away from edges is a sign of dehydration.
  3. Push a screwdriver into the soil and see how easily it penetrates. If the soil is too dry, the penetration will require significant effort.
  4. Keep an eye out for patchiness or dead spots on your lawn. This may be due to pests like grubs, but it can also be indicative of dehydration.

Preventing Dehydration…With A Little Dehydration

It might sound counterintuitive but watering your lawn in a cyclical pattern, allowing it to dry out a bit in between watering, helps it to push roots deeper. These deeper roots are insurance against dehydration during dry spells by giving the grass the ability to reach deeper moisture in the ground.

When Watering Works

Be sure you only water during the early morning or late evening, when the sun isn’t going to be beating down on your lawn, evaporating all the water. Water heavily in the early morning or late evening, and the water will have a chance to soak deeper into the soil.

Don’t Cut Too Often

Even if your grass grows quickly, be sure you don’t mow too often, particularly in the heat of midday. Cutting the grass and subsequently subjecting those tender, freshly-sliced blades to the midday sun of the Lone Star State can worsen the condition of the lawn by opening it up too much more evaporation, as well as increased stress.

Still Thirsty? Talk To A Pro

Sometimes, no matter what measures you take and how careful you are, you may not be able to keep your lawn from getting dehydrated. If you’re finding that even with being attentive to your lawn’s needs, watering carefully, and not cutting it too often that it is still looking a little dry, it might be time to work with a professional. Reach out to a local lawn care expert, and they will work with you to find a solution that keeps your lawn healthy and beautiful.

As the weather warms up and ice begins to melt, the neglect our lawns faced over the winter becomes apparent. When it comes down to it, cleaning things up and refreshing your yard is an important task if you want your lawn looking its best during the summer months.


Raking is a great way to gather up all types of debris scattered across your lawn, from leaves and sticks to pinecones, acorns, and any trash that may have blown in throughout the winter. You will need to go through and pick up any larger items, such as branches, but most things can be handled with a thorough raking.

Dethatch Your Turf

Thatch is a layer of both dead and living organic matter, like dead grass, bugs, etc., that accumulates between the grass blades and the soil. This layer can block sunlight, water, and nutrients from reaching the roots. Any thatch thicker than ½ inch should be removed in the summer when the grass is healthy.

Delay Aeration

When you’re doing your spring cleaning and working on getting your lawn looking nice before the warm weather really sets in, it can certainly be tempting to add aeration to your to-do list. Before you pull out your aerator, it’s important to know that spring is not the best time to aerate. You should do this during your turf’s peak growing season.

Soil Testing

Before you treat your soil or add any fertilizer, you should test the soil. Soil needs potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus, but you can’t tell what ratio yours needs until you test it. A soil test can tell you:

  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Salt levels
  • pH imbalances
  • Factors that could hinder your turf’s growth


Whether you have cool or warm-season grasses, fertilizer is an important step in the maintenance of your lawn. Warm-season grasses should get their first application of nitrogen fertilizer after the grass is green and has been mowed 2 to 3 times. Cool-season grasses, on the other hand, should be fertilized in the fall.

Overseed Your Turf

If you want to keep the nice, thick carpet of grass in your yard, the trick is to spread your grass seed before thinning begins. Overseeding is an important step if you want to prevent bare spots. You should overseed cool-weather lawns between September and mid-October, while warm-weather grasses should be overseeded during the spring and early summer.

Application of Herbicide

For those that often deal with weeds, applying a chemical barrier to prevent growth is a great option. A pre-emergent herbicide will kill the weeds before they grow, while post-emergent herbicides kill any weeds that are already established.

Spread Mulch

If your lawn has flower beds, you’ll definitely want to spread some mulch. This helps with moisture control as well as helping to prevent the growth of weeds, plus organic mulch adds nutrients to your soil.

Mow the Lawn

Once your lawn has been raked and cleaned up, it’s time to run the lawnmower. Think of this as a fresh haircut for your lawn. Not only will it clean things up and make your yard look better, but regular lawn mowing also helps your grass grow thicker and healthier.

The Importance of Spring Lawn Care

If you want your lawn to look its best and stay healthy throughout the year, giving it some attention in the spring is the way to go. Whether you choose to do this work yourself or you employ the assistance of a lawn care professional, spring lawn care is something you don’t want to skip.

Making sure your lawn looks great not only improves your home’s curb appeal, but it can contribute to higher overall property values for your neighborhood. One of the keys to keeping your lawn looking its best is keeping it healthy, and one of the biggest factors in your lawn’s health is how effectively it’s watered.

Some people may not know this, but the best time to water your lawn is in the early morning or even the late evening. Early might mean different things to different people, but basically, it means watering before the sun begins its most powerful onslaught around 10:30-11:00 am. By this time, the temperature is too high and the sun’s intensity too great to water effectively, and doing so may even directly damage your lawn.

Temperature Matters

One of the primary reasons that you want to water in the early morning instead of any other time, is that the temperature will be the lowest. If you are in an area that cools off significantly in the evenings near sunset, this may also be a great time to get the sprinkler going.

Texas gets hot, there’s no way around that, and while watering your lawn in the heat of the day may seem to some like a great way to cool it off, it does the opposite. Watering during midday means you are wasting an incredible amount of water to evaporative loss.

Less Wind During The Morning & Evenings

During the early morning and the later evening, there tends to be much less wind than during the peak of the day. This is another reason that watering during these periods can be more effective than at other times. In general, the wind isn’t going to be blowing hard enough to disrupt your watering, but in some cases, a constant wind or breeze can prevent the water from falling where it needs to.

Water More Before Dry Spells

If you happen to be looking at the weather and it looks like you’re going to be hitting a dry spell, be sure you water heavily for the weeks and days leading up to the drought. This will give the water a chance to soak into the soil more deeply, helping to provide a source of moisture during the long dry periods.

If Your Lawn Looks Thirsty Don’t Overwater

Letting your lawn dry out a little bit before you water helps the grass to develop deeper root structures, which are important for lawns to be able to survive long dry spells. If you happen to notice your lawn is looking a little dry, after a particularly sunny and hot day, for example, let it go for another day or so before you give it a good drenching. Your grass will push roots deeper and will survive the dry intervals better.

Work With Local Lawn Experts

If you think you may be having an issue keeping your law properly hydrated, you may want to consult with a local lawn care expert. Reach out today to discuss options for keeping your lawn looking its best, such as watering and feeding needs.

Even people that love their dogs like children, could generally live without the chore of picking up the poop when the deed is done. This chore can be even more taxing if the homeowner doesn’t own dogs, and the messes are the result of someone else not picking up after their pup. Either way, not dealing with the waste can have serious effects on both your lawn and potentially even your health.

Bacterial & Viral Content

Dog poop has millions of bacterial and viral components that can pose a risk to that dog and others, as well as to humans. Some of the organisms present in dog poop include several varieties of worms, giardia, coccidia, parvovirus, coronavirus, salmonella, e. coli, and campylobacteriosis.

Parvovirus is extremely dangerous and can even be fatal to dogs. Pests like worms, giardia, salmonella, and e. coli can even be transmitted to humans, causing serious illnesses. These organisms are best prevented by promptly disposing of the waste, as they can survive outside for some time.

Dog Poop Attracts Pests & Vermin

In addition to the microscopic travelers that are on and in dog poop, there are countless other pests and vermin that are attracted to the poop, or to the things that are attracted to the poop. This starts with flies and can often include small omnivores like mice and other rodents. These animals can often carry risks and diseases of their own, compounding potential exposure risks.

It Destroys The Appearance Of Your Lawn

Leaving dog poop on the lawn for extended periods can result in physical damage to your lawn. This only starts with the very obvious appearance of dog poop sitting on your lawn for extended periods. It can eventually begin to yellow your lawn in the spots where it sits, and the longer it sits the more damage it does, eventually killing the grass in the most common spots.

How To Minimize The Dangers

While the biggest solution is probably just to pick up the waste, there are some other solutions for those that either doesn’t have the time, ability, or want to deal with the mess.

  1. Scooping the messes when they happen takes a lot of burden off of “future you”. It’s also the cheapest and quickest way to address the issue.
  2. Using diatomaceous earth can minimize the number of parasites and pests that result from pet waste.
  3. Less eco-friendly alternatives to diatomaceous earth include chemicals and pesticides that can be sprayed on the lawn, though these may have safety risks for pets.
  4. For those that don’t have a convenient place to dispose of the poop, installing an in-ground digester may be a simple solution, though it will have a slightly larger price tag than other methods.
  5. Be sure to keep your pup away from other dogs’ feces, particularly in public areas like the dog park.

Lean On Professionals

Sometimes, for whatever reason, it’s easier to lean on a local professional to help you with the yard cleanup. If the problems are still relatively “fresh” there are pickup services that you may be able to rely on consistently.

However, if the problem has had time to age, you may be seeing the effects and damage that it’s done to your yard, in which case you may want to have a lawn care professional come out to see if other methods can be used to rehabilitate your lawn.

Your lawn requires a bit of care to keep it looking nice. This care should be considered based on the season in your area. While mowing is typically associated primarily with the spring and summer months, there are best practices to consider for every season.

You may not actually have to mow year around. However, it’s a good idea to be familiar with how to mow, when to mow, and what to do during off-season for mowing.

In this guide, we will walk you through all of the seasons and what you should plan for when it comes to mowing.

Scheduled Mowing

During the seasons where mowing needs to happen regularly, it’s a good idea to establish a mowing routine. We know you might not always be able to mow exactly on the same day or the same time but you should be able to plan pretty close.

How often you need to mow really depends on your lawn and your grass. Some types of grass should be cut shorter than others so you might also familiarize yourself with the type of grass your lawn has.

Some grasses do require mowing all year long but this is not the norm.

If you’re curious how often to mow, here’s a good rule of thumb for you. Typically, grass should be mowed to approximately 3 inches in height. Mowing it too short can be really hard on the grass. Of course, keeping it too long is simply not visually appealing.

Depending on your climate, you can probably set up a mowing schedule that handles the mowing every other week.

If your area gets a lot of rainfall or has a rainy season, you may need to mow more often during those seasons. The rain will cause the grass to grow much faster.

Off-Season Lawn Care

When you are getting close to the end of your typically mowing season, you should mow in such a way to prepare for this.

In most cases, you will be able to tell when you’re nearing the last mow of the summer. When you mow for the last time of the season, cut the grass just slightly shorter to prepare for your off-season.

This means rather than 3 inches, you might mow to a 2-inch grass height instead. For this final mow, we also recommend bagging the grass as you go. This will help keep your lawn from gathering more debris during the off months.

In the off-season you will not mow your lawn. However, you might need to mulch leaves or clear leaves from the yard. You can do this with your mower to make it easier. Mulching the leaves or cleaning them up allows your lawn to get important nutrients that it needs to survive.

StreamLine Designs All-Season Lawn Care

Lawn care is not just for spring and summer. While this is the mowing season, there are things to be done all year. We can help care for your lawn in every season and base that care about what your lawn needs in the season.

Get your quote for lawn care today.

Our pets are always an important factor in every decision we make. When it comes to treating your lawn, it’s important to remember that your pet will be spending time on that lawn. The last thing we want is for your pet to have a reaction to your lawn treatment.

We get that!

The good news is that all of our lawn care treatments at StreamLine Designs are pet-friendly. You can take care of your lawn while also taking care of your pet’s health. We mindfully select all of our treatment options with the intention of being effective and safe.

Check out these details for some added comfort on the subject.

Lawn Care and Pet Safety

The first thing that you should know is not every single lawn care treatment out there is safe. While we offer safe practices, this may not be the case across the board. It is important to know and understand that there are harmful products out there.

In addition, even the safest of products have to be used correctly. This takes some expertise and knowledge of knowing how to properly apply the products. Many times, a professional is trained for this.

If someone were to haphazardly apply a product, no amount of a safe product can prevent potential harm. It is important to confirm that not only safe product is being used but also that the user know the best practice for the application.

Letting the Dogs Out

When your lawn has been treated, it’s not a bad idea to take some safety precautions. It’s never a good idea to let the dogs out immediately after application. This gives them a higher exposure to the product.

The pet coming out immediately after application could also reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. You should plan to give the treatment time to do its work and dry in the treated area.

The typical rule of thumb is to keep the dogs inside or put away for at least 2 hours after the application has been completed.

Pet Protocol

When you hire a company to come in and do a lawn treatment, it’s a good idea to be proactive. Make sure that your professional is aware of your pets. If you know the time that treatment is going to happen, you can let your pets outside shortly before and then put them away.

We are unable to treat a lawn when the pets are out and about.

While most companies do try to be sure gates are closed when they finish, it’s a good idea to double-check this before letting your pets back out.

StreamLine Designs Pet Safety

We make every effort to use safe products when we are treating a lawn. Our products are high-quality selections that are EPA-approved. Our technicians are trained in proper treatment practices and will apply your treatment safely.

When it comes to keeping your pets safe, that is important to use as well. Our treatment approach is designed to give you the best results and we take safety into consideration as well.

Contrary to what one may believe, lawn care and maintenance is an important responsibility year-round. While it may not seem like proper maintenance is necessary during the winter and early spring, failing to keep up on it can cause your lawn to die out and become a bigger issue when late spring rolls around.

In the DFW area, grass doesn’t stop growing entirely. Continuing with a regular mowing schedule, managing weeds, and setting your sprinklers accordingly is important to keep your grass alive. These tasks can seem like a lot, especially if you have a busy schedule already. Because of that, hiring out the work will benefit both you and your lawn in the long run.

In this article, we’ll cover the ins and outs of proper lawn maintenance during the late winter and early spring. By the end, you should have a good idea of what you need to do to ensure your lawn looks healthy and beautiful when the warm season rolls around.

Winter Lawn Mowing

For your last major mow of the season, it’s best to create a close cut and bag your grass clippings. Doing this will remove any build-up and dislodge things like acorns, leaves, and other natural materials from the ground. Throughout the winter, you’ll want to mow on a bi-weekly basis to keep the cut close to the ground.

Once you reach mid-spring, you’ll have a lawn that is far easier to upkeep than you would if you didn’t spend the time keeping your grass close-cut and loose of natural materials.

Winter Weed Management

Your grass won’t stop growing completely in the winter and that means weeds aren’t going to stop growing either. With any weed, it’s best to get rid of the issue before it even starts. As any person knows, weeds are notorious for getting out of hand very quickly.

Whether you choose to use chemicals, natural alternatives, or pull them yourself. All problems with weeds should be taken care of as soon as possible.

Adjust Your Sprinkler System as Necessary

Winters are generally pretty mild in the DFW area, so you’re still going to want to ensure your lawn is getting the right amount of water. Many sprinkler systems come equipped with a winter setting that allows you to change the timing from a summer schedule of three times per week to a winter schedule of once weekly.

There are also usually rain and freeze sensors for you to reference. These sensors will tell you if the water has reached the point of freezing or if the ground has enough moisture from natural elements.

Hire Out Your Lawn Care

To make law maintenance easier, it may be helpful to hire out the maintenance responsibilities your lawn needs. At StreamLine Designs, we offer services that cover everything mentioned in this article. We’ll also work with you to come up with a landscape maintenance plan that fits your unique needs.

Our crew offers service year-round, so you don’t have to worry about any point where you’d need to perform these tasks on your own. From mowing and weed management to sprinkler system installation and upkeep, we’ve got you covered. 

Lawn care is a lot of work. You have to worry about weeding, keeping the grass cut, and taking care of any decorative or ornamental plants. There are various layers of difficulty, but when you put them all together, it still takes time and effort. One of the biggest parts of taking care of your lawn is watering. To keep suitable grass on your property, you have to dedicate time to watering and feeding it, in addition to pest control.

One way to make this easier is by investing in a sprinkler system. Sprinkle systems take all of the labor out of watering your lawn. Many can be timed, and will only provide water to your grass when it needs it. However, a sprinkler system isn’t for everyone. Check out some reasons that you may want a sprinkler system, and why you may not.

Reasons to Install a Sprinkler System

A sprinkler system takes planning and work to install. However, once it’s been put into place, the benefits are huge. Take a look at them below!

  • Lawn maintenance becomes easy, with almost no manual labor having to do with watering.
  • Sprinkler systems make sure that your grass is given the right amount of water. Often, homeowners deprive their grass of the full amount of water it needs to thrive.
  • In terms of longevity, a properly installed sprinkler system will outlast a hose with ease. Hoses are subject to dry rot, as are the attachments you buy for them,
  • Overall, sprinkler systems are more water-efficient. This means that you’ll be able to conserve water, as well as reduce the amount of money you’re paying for your water bill each month.

Reasons to Avoid Installing a Sprinkler System

While the benefits a sprinkler system provides are great, they aren’t for everyone. There are a few reasons to avoid installing a sprinkler system for your home.

  • The initial cost of a sprinkler system may be too great for your household. When irrigation is done right, it can be expensive. It can also be higher in cost depending on the conditions of your lawn. If it requires more labor, it will require more money.
  • Your lawn may be too small for a sprinkler system to be effective. If that’s the case, avoid installing a system. It won’t save you time or money in the long run.
  • Additionally, your lawn may not be grassy! Xenoscaping, or creating landscapes with low-water needs, is popular in some areas. These lawns may need occasional watering, but it’s unlikely that you’ll need a sprinkler system to do so.

Should You Get a Sprinkler System?

If you find that you’re having a hard time keeping your lawn healthy, or just don’t have the time to manually water, you may want a sprinkler system. Installing a sprinkler system will help keep your grass healthy, and it will put time back into your day! It may be a high initial cost, but it’ll likely save you money in the long run.